Experienced Doula Care for Life’s Final Chapter

Making the journey
more peaceful for you
and your loved ones.
Call today for a free consultation.
(434) 202-8887

At IKOR of Charlottesville, we understand that the journey towards life’s final chapter can often be challenging and overwhelming. That’s where our End of Life Doula services come in, offering immediate, compassionate, and non-medical support to those at the end of life and their loved ones.

In these significant moments, you shouldn’t have to face the journey alone. Our doulas serve as steadfast companions, providing reassurance, guidance, and a safe space for you to express your needs and wishes.

Our goal is to ensure the final journey is as peaceful and meaningful as possible, honoring the life lived, and supporting loved ones during this pivotal time. Our End of Life Doulas are ready to help facilitate a transition that respects your dignity and personal values.

Don’t hesitate to reach out. Call us today for a free consultation to explore how we can support you and your loved ones during this significant phase of life.

How we can help:

  • Companion to the dying and loved ones: Offering emotional, spiritual, and practical support during this challenging time.

  • Comfort and Dignity: Proposing interventions to ensure the person’s comfort and dignity are maintained.

  • Resolving Unresolved Issues: Helping facilitate discussions around unresolved issues or complex family dynamics.

  • Vigil Planning: Assisting with vigil planning and care, providing comfort instructions.

Meet Your End of Life Doula, Anne Sweazey

Anne Sweazey is your dedicated End of Life Doula at IKOR of Charlottesville. She holds a BSN in Nursing from the University of North Carolina and has a rich professional background that includes being a registered nurse and a licensed acupuncturist.

Anne is passionate about life advocacy, going beyond medical needs to support clients and their families during the last stage of life. She blends her intellect and compassion seamlessly, easing the journey towards life’s final chapter.

When she’s not attending to clients, Anne is an outdoor enthusiast and an avid kombucha brewer. She brings this zest for life to her work, helping families navigate this significant phase with dignity and peace.

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Trusted End of Life Care from IKOR of Charlottesville

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IKOR of Charlottesville, led by Managing Director Katie Caverly, is your trusted partner in managing the challenges of aging and end-of-life transitions. Our team is devoted to providing integrity, knowledge, objectivity, and reliability.

We work collaboratively with our clients to respect their values, understand their fears, and advocate for their needs. Our comprehensive geriatric care and patient advocacy services are designed to provide reassurance and practical solutions.

Call Today for a Free Consultation
(434) 202-8887

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